I’ll admit it. I dislike cleaning my bathrooms. I like clean bathrooms, but it’s a chore to have to clean them. I’m sure you often feel the same way. Whether it’s cleaning the garage, mowing the lawn, pulling weeds or changing beds, we all engage in some necessary activities we’d rather not have to spend our time doing.
I have found a way to utilize this mundane time, however, that not only seems to make time spent cleaning pass more quickly, but provides beneficial “cleaning grace” as well.
How to Turn Cleaning to Grace
A grace-filled solution to aid oneself in accomplishing these monotonous tasks is to listen to Catholic programming—radio shows, podcasts, and the like—while you work. Not only will you forget the monotony of what you are doing, but it provides an opportunity to grow in faith by gaining new information, perspective, and insight. You will also receive corresponding grace from seeking the Lord as you listen to His words and teachings while working.
“Let the earth hear the words of my mouth. May my teaching drop like the rain, my speech condense like the dew; like gentle rain on grass, like showers on new growth”
(Deut 32:1-2).
Positive Graces
Sometimes I even employ listening to religious podcasts or shows while I’m doing the dishes or cleaning up the kitchen. I save email videos from various Catholic websites on my phone so that I can listen to them at a more opportune time. Stories about miracles, conversions, and lessons in the faith are my favorites.
Lately, I have been listening to past episodes of Living Divine Mercy with Fr. Chris Alar on EWTN. Another favorite resource of mine is listening to messages from Sr. Emmanuel Maillard. She is a nun living in Medjugorje, who always has words of holiness to impart in her very gentle manner.
Engaging in this type of active listening lifts one’s mind and heart to the things of God. One’s mind is taken off of oneself. If you are negatively distracted by anything, this kind of programming serves to center oneself back on God and what’s important.
Make Room For Grace
Cast aside your favorite CD or iTunes playlist the next time you find yourself pecking away at your “to-do” list. Instead, listen to something holy and edifying. Below is a helpful list of resources to point you in the right direction. Wonderful Catholic programming abounds via radio, television, and the Internet today. Often, you can search such sites for particular topics that interest you or to address specific questions.
Begin listening to what peaks your interest in the Catholic world. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy learning something new. You will find your tasks seem to come to completion quicker, you will have had an opportunity to grow in holiness, and you will experience a lifting of your spirit.
Happy Cleaning!
Fr. Mike Schmitz:
Divine Mercy Videos:
Sr. Emmanuel of Medjugorje:
EWTN Livestreamed (via Radio or Video):
EWTN On Demand
Catholic Answers:
See also my previous post regarding evangelization entitled: Sit Back